British stand-up comic Dave Gorman is the creator of the one-man show Dave Gorman's Googlewhack! Adventure. As he tells NPR's Scott Simon, the "adventure" began when he discovered the magic of a one-hit result on the Web search engine Google.
A few years ago, Gorman, 31, decided it was time to grow up. He somehow convinced a publisher to advance him money to write a novel, but Gorman's obsession with surfing the Web led him to the high altar of Google.
After discovering the Googlewhack -- the combination of two unrelated words that return a single result from the search engine -- Gorman traveled the globe three times tracing the sources of the eccentric Googlewhack Web pages.
While his novel never got written, Gorman did produce a bestseller about his experiences and his one-man show, which share a title. The show, which has broken records at the Sydney Opera House and sold out nearly 75 shows in England, recently opened for a month-long run in New York.
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