By Alabama Public Radio
Verbena, AL – A Birmingham Civil Rights activist and radio talk show host says he plans to file a lawsuit to force the Sons of Confederate Veterans to remove a Confederate flag from the side of Interstate 65 near Verbena. The flag is flying from a pole above the tree line. It's on land that's owned by the Sons of Confederate Veterans on the side of the highway. The flag was dedicated Sunday. The commander of the Alabama division of the organization, Leonard Wilson, has said the giant banner will become a permanent fixture. But activist Frank Matthews says the flag violates state law as well as rules concerning billboards and displays on the side of federal highways. So Matthews says he plans to seek a court order to have the flag taken down. He delivered a letter Thursday to Governor Riley's office asking the Governor to work to have the flag taken down. Riley says he has no problem with the Sons of Confederate Veterans flying the flag on private property.