By Alabama Public Radio
Montgomery AL – The Montgomery-area will get about 520 new jobs following an announcement from Hyundai that it will open a new auto supply factory. The new jobs will boost Hyundai's total employment in the area to around 3,600. Hyundai's suppliers in Alabama provide another 6,000 jobs. State officials said the state will provide $15 million to Hyundai for site preparation, construction costs, machinery and equipment, plus up to $2 million to train employees. The state will also make road improvements and will provide tax credits and tax abatements that are available to all new industries. For Hyundai, the sales tax breaks could total $11.2 million and the property tax breaks $10.5 million. The city and county governments will chip in up to $3.5 million for site preparation, roads and other costs and will waive $410,000 in various permit fees. That will bring the total package to more than $43 million.