By Associated Press
Montgomery, AL – Alabama lawmakers are almost ready to begin work on a plan to borrow as much as one (b) billion dollars to build new schools and fix old education buildings across the state.
Representative Richard Lindsey, a Democrat from Centre, has introduced a bill calling for a record 850 (m) million dollar bond issue for school construction. He said yesterday he expects it may grow to one (b) billion dollars when it is considered next week by the House Education Appropriations Committee.
The bond issue bill had been scheduled to be considered by the committee tomorrow. But Lindsey said the proposal is still being worked on and won't be ready for committee action until next week. The size of the bond issue -- and just how it will be divided between K-through-12 and the colleges -- is being sorted out.
Governor Bob Riley proposed the bond issue in his State of the State speech to repair crumbling school buildings and to build new schools to keep up with rapid growth in some parts of the state.
(Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)