Fort Collins, CO – A noted hurricane researcher has revised his Atlantic forecast upward and now calls for a total of nine hurricanes this season - an increase of one.
Former Colorado State University climatologist William Gray says five of the hurricanes will be major.
The forecast issued Tuesday includes hurricanes Bertha and Dolly last month.
April and June forecasts by Gray and his team at Colorado State said there would be 15 named storms in the Atlantic. Tuesday's revision calls for 17, including the five already recorded.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in May forecast 12 to 16 named storms, including six to nine hurricanes.
The Associated Press reported in May that emergency management agencies in every coastal state from Texas to Maine do not rely on Gray's forecasts in planning for the hurricane season. But they did say they appreciate the forecasts' role in getting people thinking about the upcoming season.
The Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1 and runs through Nov. 30.
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