A dear friend and long-time supporter of Alabama Public Radio passed away recently. We remember Joyce Mahan today and listen back to an essay she wrote for APR. Also, the Birmingham Post-Herald printed its last issue on September 23. Our news director has a conversation with its editor and president. David Duff, our classical host, reads Vivaldi's Autumn sonnet from the Four Seasons. Fall brings back childhood memories for storyteller Kathyrn Tucker Windham. Plus we have another look at the APR Events Calendar.
Click the MP3 link above to listen to the whole show, or click below for individual segments.
[LISTEN - 3:29]
Joyce Mahan was long-time supporter and dear friend of Alabama Public Radio. We remember her and listen back to an essay she contributed to APR, a story based on a drive through a snow storm.
[LISTEN - 7:01]
Our news director, Butler Cain, spoke with Jim Willis, editor and president of the Birmingham Post-Herald, about the publication of the final edition of the newspaper.
[LISTEN - 1:33]
What's happening this week? Janka's at the Ferguson, Paul Hemphill's autographing his new Hank Williams book, and there are classical concerts. By the way, if you're curious about what else is going on, click here for the full Events Calendar, including information about submitting your own events.
[LISTEN - 1:47]
Vivaldi didn't just compose music for The Four Seasons, he also wrote sonnets for each. Our classical music host, David Duff, reads the one for Autumn.
[LISTEN - 5:23]
Fall stirs childhood memories for storyteller Kathryn Tucker Windham.
Alabama Life is a production of Alabama Public Radio - www.APR.org