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Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue [Flickr]

Clocks don't mean much to our pets.  They keep time by knowing the routines of their lives - and that means they are aware of the routines of our lives.  When those change, it's not only an adjustment for us but our furry friends may also have to adapt to a new schedule.  


Many of us experience stress in our lives, whether it’s related to our work or school or family - or COVID. Our pets can also experience stress. One thing that can upset our animal companions is a change in routine.

Pets like routines. They know what to expect and can even anticipate. For example, a friend’s dog waits by the door just about the time her husband is due home from work. That dog’s body clock tells him that his absent person is about to come home.

We had a cat that was on a special diet and was fed a prescription canned food every morning. Before anything else, she expected to be fed – on time. And if we tried to sleep in a bit, she would wake us up. That was her routine.

Routines are reassuring for pets. They like order in their world. They become accustomed to being fed at certain times, being groomed, receiving medicine, play time, even sleeping on a set schedule. When something interferes with their routine, it may take them time to adjust.

We humans are not so different. I will have to adjust to the change to daylight savings time. Even though it’s nice to have some extra daylight in the evening, I lose an hour at the time of year when I can least afford it; plus it is not so easy to get up while it’s still dark outside.

Daylight savings time also has an effect on our pets, because a change in our routine affects their routine. Our friend’s dog, for instance – his owner will be coming home earlier than expected. Our cat would wonder why she was being fed so early. You wouldn’t think a one-hour change would matter to an animal, but because it changes our routine, it ends up changing theirs.

Whether it’s daylight savings time, or a vacation trip, or something else that requires a change in your schedule, remember that may have an impact on your furry friend. A little extra attention and affection might be just the thing to ease the stress – for both of you – when you’re speaking of pets.


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Mindy Norton has been “Speaking of Pets” on Alabama Public Radio since 1995.