The Alabama Hospital Association is planning a remembrance tomorrow, September 7th, for those who have died with COVID-19. The vigil will take note of the more than 12,000 Alabamians who lost their lives during the coronavirus pandemic. The event will also support those who are battling the virus. Organizers are encouraging all Alabamians to participate wherever they are that day. Hospital staff and physicians from across the state are being asked to take part. The impact of the virus is also being felt in the State’s school system, with over 9,000 infections being reported among student, teachers, and school staffers just last week. Most of the hospitalized COVID cases in Alabama are among the unvaccinated, with the State hovering at around 36% of residents fully immunized. Even the notion of masks in school is controversial, with Alabama Chief Health Officer noting that he gets hate mail from parents for mentioning it.
Statewide moment of silence to remember lives lost to COVID.
