The Mobile and Eastern Shore planning commissions will meet today to vote on amending the I-10 Mobile River Bridge and Bayway project. They will discuss adding it to their Transportation Improvement Program.
The bridge project would include a $2.50 reduced toll price for passenger vehicles. A $15 to $18 toll price would be imposed for trucks.
Kevin Harrison is the Director of Transportation for Mobile MPO. He says the project will positively impact various aspects of Mobile and Baldwin Counties.
“I think economically to improve the capacity across the bay [and] to improve traffic movement across the bay, it’s going to support regional economy and air quality and everything else," he said. "The current Bayway is approaching its use life. Something’s got to be done.”
Harrison says despite varying opinions everyone would benefit from the project.
“This past end of June, July 4th traffic across the Bayway has been an absolute nightmare. I think people realize that’s going to be everyday traffic in the next 20 years if we don’t do something about this," he said. "Something’s got to be done about it. It would be irresponsible for a government to look at this and say, ‘We can’t do anything about this.'"
ALDOT will have authorization to spend federal project funds if the project meets all federal approvals.
The project is anticipated to take five years and start construction in 2023.