Huntsville Mayor’s Spring Tree Planting Day seeks community volunteers


This Saturday, March 25, Mayor Tommy Battle and Huntsville’s Green Team will lead a tree planting day in John Hunt Park. It’s one of two annual events designed to bring corporate and community volunteers together to grow Huntsville’s tree canopy, according to a press release on the City's website.

Green Team will prep the holes and provide all planting supplies. Mayor Battle, the City’s Arborist Marc Byers and the City’s Landscape Management Department will have plenty of planting tips to share, too. All they need is the community’s help in creating a green environment.

“Planting trees changes landscapes and changes lives,” Mayor Battle said in the press release. “The trees we plant today will connect us to future generations who one day will sit in the shade, and perhaps think of us, and know that we were committed to enhancing livability and making our environment a better place.”

Landscape Management Director Brian Walker said the tree planting event provides a great educational opportunity for children. Each year, his department invests in planting, pruning and caring for thousands of trees. As stewards of the City’s urban forest, they enjoy sharing how Huntsville protects and expands this vital natural resource.

“Trees are our #1 defense against extreme heat, and they absorb carbon from the environment,” Walker said in a press release. “They make our parks and community more attractive and it’s our responsibility to maintain every aspect of the tree’s life.”

The two-hour event on Saturday runs from 9-11 a.m. Volunteers may drop in anytime and all ages are encouraged to participate. Park at 2305 Airport Road and look for the Green Team signs.

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