In the time of smartphones, checking a horoscope might seem as quaint as making a call. But technology has a new generation looking to the sky charts.
Mercury retrograde trends on Twitter. YouTubers analyze the stars. And hip publications keep astrologers on contract.
Nearly every aspect of our lives can be quantified, measured and scheduled. And we have access to all the world’s knowledge at our fingertips. Theoretically, ancient systems of predicting behavior by watching constellations move across the sky should be obsolete. Even long-established religions are losing ground to modernity. Maybe, though, the intrusion of technology into our lives is related to an increasing interest in astrology.
“Astrology offers those in crisis the comfort of imagining a better future, a tangible reminder of that clichéd truism that is nonetheless hard to remember when you’re in the thick of it: This too shall pass,” Julie Beck wrote in The Atlantic
Whether it’s a source of comfort, entertainment or enlightenment, astrology is still bringing meaning to millions.
Dayna Lynn Nuckolls, Professional astrologer; @PeoplesOracle
Julie Beck, Senior associate editor, The Atlantic; @julieebeck
Chani Nicholas, Professional astrologer; @chaninicholas
Banu Guler, Co-founder of Co-Star
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