Speaking of Pets (Opinion)

Christmas Pet Stress

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Doesn't anybody want to play a game or something?

Are you enjoying the Christmas season?  This may not be the best time to ask.  Here we are, so close to Christmas Day, and we still have shopping to do, and wrapping, and visiting, and guests dropping by, and all the great events and parties that make this such a festive season.  But - when our schedules change and become hectic, it affects not only us but also our furry friends.

     First, we rearranged the furniture and added a tree full of shiny and sparkly things, inside the house.  Then we have gifts under the tree and people coming and going more than usual.  And there are strange smells coming from candles and potpourri.  All the hustle and bustle of the holiday can make us feel stressed.

     With all the extra activity, and holiday decorations, and new smells, it is easy to understand how our best friends might feel some anxiety, too.  And while all this is going on, our busy schedules might mean we are not spending so much time with our pets.  Shorter walks, less play time and less attention, can help to make our furry buddies feel stressed during this busy time of the year. 

     So how can you tell if your pet is stressed?  Signs to notice might include loss of appetite, licking paws or extra grooming, hiding and being less social, shedding, barking or whining, or meowing more than usual.

     Pets are creatures of habit.  When their routine changes, it can make them uncomfortable.  So - while you are scheduling your family’s activities on your calendar, make a conscious effort to set aside time for your four-footed buddy.  Schedule walks with your dog, play time with your cat, and maybe just time to relax together. It might do wonders for their behavior, and it may even reduce your own stress level.

     So, between now and Christmas, stop, take a deep breath every now and then, and spend some quality time with your best friend.  It will do wonders for both of you, when you’re speaking of pets.


Mindy Norton has been “Speaking of Pets” on Alabama Public Radio since 1995.