Alabama Casino Lobbyist Gets Probation

The Alabama Supreme Court has again sided with the state's attorney general in attempts to shut down electronic bingo casinos.
Liz Lawley

A casino lobbyist who admitted offering bribes to legislators has received probation. U.S. District Judge Keith Watkins gave Jennifer Pouncy three years on probation, 100 hours of community service, and $4,100 in fines and fees at a sentencing hearing Wednesday in Montgomery. Pouncy was the first person to plead guilty in Alabama's gambling corruption case. The former lobbyist for Country Crossing Casino admitted offering bribes to legislators to support pro-gambling legislation. Prosecutors had recommended two years in prison, but the judge said there was no benefit to society by sending her to prison. Pouncy admitted offering $2 million in campaign help to one senator and $100,000 to another for their support of pro-gambling legislation. She testified against the senators, but they were acquitted at trial. Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.

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