Gulf Shores hiring lifeguards to prepare for tourist season


Spring Break means a lot of young people heading to Alabama’s beaches. The city of Gulf Shores is working on a plan to keep these visitors safe in the water. The community is looking to hire 15 lifeguards.

Joethan Phillips is the Gulf Shores beach safety chief. He said there are more requirements than just being 17 years of age.

“You have to be able to swim 550 yards in under 10 minutes. You have to run a mile in under 10 minutes, and then you have to complete our 48 hour USLA training academy," he said. "That certifies you for our agency for open water life guarding. We put that class on and it doesn’t cost anything to do that class but you do have to pass that to be hired.”

More than 1 million people are expected to hit the region during vacation season.

Phillips said visitors can do things to stay safe.

“Educate yourself on rip currents and on the flag system so that you know what to do if you’re caught in a rip current or before you get down here. Also you can text albeaches to 888777 and what that does is that gives you the daily flag conditions," he said. "So if you’re at a beach where you may not have flags right there you can see them on your phone.”    

The starting pay is just over $16 an hour.

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