By Associated Press
Anniston, AL – Supporters of an Eastern Parkway linking Interstate 20 to the intersection of U-S 431 and Alabama 21 must find a way to pay for it.
At a meeting last week in Anniston, elected officials met with Calhoun County residents urging completion of the parkway.
Alabama Department of Transportation officials said finishing the project will cost 51 (m) million dollars, with a little more than 10-point-6 (m) million in federal and local funds available.
It's unclear how local officials will pay the remaining 40-point-4 (m) million dollars.
Members of the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce Eastern Parkway Task Force discussed funding proposals, including a one-cent sales tax increase, even a toll charge.
Task Force Chairman Anthony Humphries said the revenue would need to start coming by 2008.
Anniston Mayor Chip Howell said he wasn't leaning toward any one way to pay for the road.
(Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)