Alabama is now number one in the country in the rate of pediatric hospitalizations.
The rise of children in hospitals is linked to the spread of the delta variant of Covid-19. According to the Alabama department of public health, there were 6,181 reports of Covid-19 among 5 to 17 year olds. There are at least 50 children in hospital care statewide according to the department as well.
David Kimberlin is a pediatrician with UAB. He says the delta variant has made the state a nationwide statistic in pediatric care.
“Delta is a very concerning turn of events for us, no question about that,” said Kimberlin. “I think we’re seeing that across our state. We’re seeing it in our pediatric hospitalizations now.”
Kimberlin says the spread of the virus is extremely concerning, both for children and adults.
“We are in a very, very difficult place right now and I have some serious concerns about what these next weeks hold for all of us,” said Kimberlin. “And that includes the pediatric side but I would also expand that and extend it out to the adult side as well.”
The FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine for use in individuals 16 years and over this week. ADPH recommends all children ages 12 and above be vaccinated against COVID-19 with an approved vaccine product.
More information about the delta variant spread throughout the state can be found on the ADPH's website.