Cabinet of Wonders, hosted by musician and novelist John Wesley Harding, is an irreverent and innovative variety show, recorded before a live audience at the City Winery in New York City. Each show is a unique, witty and intimate compendium of brilliant musical performances, robust storytelling, engaging repartee and surprising collaborations. It features nationally renowned and emerging musicians, writers, raconteurs and comedians. NPR's six-episode series includes performances by Josh Ritter, Craig Finn, Simone Dinnerstein and Edie Brickell, readings by Colson Whitehead, Audrey Niffinegger and Rick Moody, and comedy by Eugene Mirman, John Hodgman and Janeane Garofalo. Weaving the hour-long radio show together is Cabinet founder Harding, who conceived of the show as a way to bring his novel-writing friends (who envy his musician friends) together with his musician friends (who envy his novel-writing friends), topping it all off with a splash of Vaudeville. As Harding puts it, "the time is right for a little variety."
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