An annual Alabama tradition involving fish and a good pitching arm continues this weekend. The Gulf Coast Mullet Toss includes competitors trying to throw a mullet as far as they can over the border between Alabama and Florida. The fifteen dollar entry gets you a fish to throw as well as a t-shirt with proceeds going to local charities. Jenifer Parnell works with Flora-Bama. She says the event is one of the biggest crowd attracting events of the year.
“People go out on the beach, and we have a course that’s two-hundred feet long and you sign up to toss a fish…you go stand in a ten-foot circle and grab your fish and throw it as far as you can. So, it’s a competition and a big party, all at the same time,” Parnell said.
The Mullet Toss started off as a way to drum up business in the off season. Now, it’s an annual tradition. Parnell says the event will be one of the largest beach parties of the year due to the popularity of mullet throwing competition.
“It’s a daily cover charge, just ten dollars and they can walk out to the beach, where the actual toss is going on as well,” said Parnell. “If they want to toss a fish, they just walk up to the little registration area and they pay fifteen dollars and that fifteen dollars gets them a mullet toss t-shirt and then we also donate that money back to the local charities... And then they just stand in line to toss. So, you just show up and have fun.”
The event welcomes all ages to participate in the daytime mullet throwing. Beach activities after 6 pm will include a cover charge.